New to CPE or couldn’t find the answer to your question(s)
on the website or in the rulebook?

Please select the appropriate area so that your questions can be answered promptly.

Emails are usually answered within 1-5 business days of receipt,

Please do not email to multiple people, choose only one subject to send your email to.

Many of the subjects go to the same email address. Thank you!

Please do not send a duplicate email for at least 5 business days.
If the CPE office is closed for any reason during an extended time, it will be posted here.

Office Closings

The office will be closed for the following:

December 24, 2024 – January 6, 2025

2025 National Event: May 26 – June 3, 2025

December 23, 2025 – January 5, 2026

Other US Holiday closures

On Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day and Veterans Day, mail/memberships will not be processed and emails will usually not be answered during these times.


If your browser is not set to auto send an email, the contact email links on this page may not work. In that case, please send a direct email, hover over the link you wish to send to, the email address will appear either at your mouse pointer or at the bottom of the screen. On mobile devices, press and hold to see the email address.

If you need to mail something, please use the following address.

PO Box 641502
Beverly Hills FL 34464

Click to email us