Due to the generousity of the following donators and sponsors,
there are more treats, toys and trophy prizes,
available at the CPE National Events.
A Donator has given their product(s) at no cost to CPE for HIT trophy prizes, each dog’s hospitality bags or the check in table.
A Sponsor has sold their product(s) at a reduced price to CPE for HIT trophy prizes, each dogs hospitality bags, or other Nationals items.
A Volunteer Prize Donator/Sponsor has given or discounted their items for the volunteer workers prizes.
CPE does NOT exhange weblinks.
Please do not contact our webmaster about exchanging links or
adding our website to your website for a link exchange.
This page listing is NOT a link exchange listing.
Charlee Bear P.O. Box 55035 Madison, WI 53705 Toll Free: 800-880-2327 Phone: 608-238-5252 email: web: www.charleebear.com Has sponsored treats at a discount for CPE's 2011 - 2019 Nationals |
Max 200 Performance Dog Equipment, Inc. 2113 State Route 31 Port Byron, NY 13140 Phone: 800-446-2920 web: www.MAX200.com Will be supplying equipment for the 2016 CPE Nationals Supplied equipment for the 2010 - 2008, 2010 - 2019 CPE Nationals Donated two rings of equipment for CPE's 2009 Nationals |
Wagatha’s Organic Dog Biscuits PO Box 2527 Manchester Center, VT 05255 Phone: 802-367-1010 web: www.wagathas.com Has sponsored treats at a discount for CPE's 2011 - 2019 Nationals |